Friday, March 30, 2012

Giddy Up

Ahh my first major custom cake! And it was a blast.  I went through a range of emotions over the 2 days it took me to complete this cake, but I finally got it done, and the labor was well worth it.

 Vanilla buttercream sandwiched between one thick layer of vanilla poundcake and one layer of devil's food.  A fitting metaphor for the yin-yang push-pull of the world this baby is about to enter into.

 And..some matching cupcakes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fondant and Romance

Here you will see Rose + Vanilla Petits Fours I made for a bridal shower.

Encased in rosewater fondant is two layers of vanilla poundcake filled with vanilla buttercream.  The little package is topped with candied rose petals.

This leaves me very excited to experiment with different flavor and texture combinations in petits fours.  Might I add that making fondant from scratch is time consuming, yet simple and quite rewarding.  I was quite proud of myself as I held the white sugar dough ball between my hands.